This is where my UEFN adventures will go i think
See my list of Fortnite maps HERE
My hopefully final map
I recently played an "AWP Lego" type map and it didn't work very well so I thought I could maybe do better
I ripped the DM arena from a map I never published and made it work better for the new Ballistic movement and weapons
I think this is my most solid map I made so far because of how simple it is
Lots of people played this one and I am finally happy.
My very first attempt at a Fortnite map,
I wanted to start with something simple, which ended up being a multi capture point map with 6 playable classes.
Well, it was suppose to be simple but ended up being the most confusing experience with the unreal editor ever. I could never
figure out why sometimes the capture point badges would never show up so theres a capture point out of the playable area as a sacrifice to the editor gods.
Balance kinda stinks but that's whatever no ones gonna play it anyway lol
My second map (I think?)
Unreal added the ability to make Lego themed maps using UEFN and I thought that sounded fun so I decided to try and recreate like the best Halo 1 map.
I wanted to make it a capture the flag style map, however, there was no flag spawner item like in normal Fortnite creative so I had to improvise with a pizza item spawner and capture point.
Halfway through making the map I realised it barely worked and there was a game breaking bug with throwing the pizza and picking up weapons so I kinda just published the map and forgot about it
because I could not fix it no matter what I tried. It really killed my vibe because I was having a lot of fun making this one :(
My third and probably final map.
I really wanted to make the classic Speed gamemode from Halo: Reach forge but I couldnt get cars to teleport correctly so I shifted to making hogs from heck from forge instead.
This was the most frustrating map to make because sometimes stuff just straight up stopped working correctly the day after I save changes to the map due to UEFN glitches and took so
long to make. I think after all said and done it's easily the most fun map I made and hey it seems to actually work so I am quite proud of myself.