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Made with love (and Trenchbroom)

My collection of Half-Life: Deathmatch maps

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Gamebanana Link

My Third map!

I have a soft spot for the backrooms and I think they lend themselves as good mapping practice

My favorite backrooms level is the poolrooms so I tried to interpret it as a deathmatch map

I wanted the centerpiece to be a pool that had rising and falling water with a deadly drain that sucked you in.

I think I really nailed the objective I was going for with this one tbh hehe

This map features two main areas with a connector, a deadly pooldrain, and a healing pool with ambience by yours truly.

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Gamebanana Link

My second map!

I really tried to make a nice and detailed map to practice using all the tools Trenchbroom has to offer I was kinda inspired by the CS map inferno because I like how it has the guitar music played in it so I wanted to try that too.

I went very crazy with all the details and I actually had to learn how to optimise my map. This was the most painful part

because I had to use null textures and use func_details to their maximum, I managed to half the WPoly count when I was done, very nice.

This map features two side areas, pillars to jump on, and a center pavilion thing that plays music by Like Most Things.

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Gamebanana Link

My first ever goldsrc map

I never really liked using the hammer editor until I found a bunch of tutorials on Youtube for a different mapping program called Trenchbroom. I spent a lot of time just making random rooms with a vague idea of what I thought would be a fun map layout.

Sadly, this map isn't super good, and it's very much not optimised nor balanced. Overall I think I did a good job for my first time and would love if you could play it and let me know what you think.

It features: a big goop room, an outdoor area, an indoor area, and a secret cave that opens up after around 2 minutes of gameplay. Also gay baby jail lasers.

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